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Yellow Jacket Nursery takes place in a rustic area of Maine where the whisper quiet of dark woods, dirt roads, and bottomless lakes sets the perfect stage for mysterious happenings and strange conduct.

Tom Mason, novelist, has come seeking the solitude and ambience of a summer camp to inspire and discipline him to new heights of literary output. He parks himself and his typewriter in a spare bedroom of an old country home undergoing renovation by self-reliant owners, Bruce and Kathleen Randall, who rent him the room in exchange for work.

The Randalls are expecting their first child and so, plan to redo a storage room -- inconveniently occupied by irritable yellow jackets -- as a nursery. A more hazardous threat lurks in the woods, a local gang with a grudge against them, played out in the middle of the night in stealthy attacks of vandalism on the Randall’s nesting spot.

Aggravated by a stinging assault, Bruce takes the law into his hands and is cautiously backed by his submissive boarder, Tom who is anxious to impress a busty farm girl who enjoys swimming naked in the lake. Nosy locals show some interest in the turmoil, most of them content to observe a test of wills among rural people accustomed to dealing with problems alone.